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The New Paltz Rod & Gun Club has several facilities focused on outdoor sporting activities. 
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Rifle Range

We have a 100 yard rifle range that has 4 covered shooting positions with sturdy benches and movable target frames.
Covered shooting positionsDownrange


Trap Range

We have 3 trap fields that can accommodate handicap shooters from 16 to 27 yards. Each position is equipped with an automatic thrower and field #2 has voice activation. We also have a manual clay thrower for when the automatic throwers are not available.


Pistol Range

Our 8 position pistol range includes a heated, enclosed shooting house and a lit, 25 yard range that can accommodate non-magnum pistol and rimfire calibers.
Pistol housePistol range


Archery Range

We have a 50 yard archery field available.
Archery range


The Clubhouse has a full kitchen, bathroom facilities, a large meeting area, and a fireplace.
ClubhouseClubhouse interior



Our grounds include a camping area and access to the Wallkill River. We also have ample parking and a covered pavilion.
PavilionRiver frontage